Diablo III: Wrath

The Darkness Falls, Heroes Rise promotional page finally reached 100%, which means “Wrath” is now unlocked. I was hoping to embed it here, but WordPress is being lame and won’t let me embed anything. So here’s a link instead.

Overall, I liked it. Even though it doesn’t contain anything new, it’s still a nice treat for fans. Auriel’s a lot more badass than I thought she’d be. In the Book of Cain, her Cord of Hope seemed kind of lame (“Auriel will sometimes drape Al’maiesh, the Cord of Hope, around her comrades’ shoulders to grand them clarity of thought and emotion.”). It sounded like little more than an angelic Ribbon Dancer. Color me impressed when I saw her use it to hack through demons and fetter the Lord of Terror himself!

The city/fortress behind the demon army was also a nice touch. I don’t know if it was supposed to be the Pandemonium Fortress from Diablo II, or if it’s just an unnamed settlement in Hell. Whatever it is, I hope it shows up in the game itself.

When I checked out the fan reaction to “Wrath,” I was surprised to see that a number of fans didn’t seem to like it. Granted, the Diablo fandom seems to have a number of chronic bellyachers, but opinion seemed to be even more sharply divided than usual. The animation in particular received a lot of flak from fans. Many people seemed to hate it just because it was anime (one person on Diablo IncGamers even compared it to Sailor Moon! *rolls eyes*), and I don’t think they would have been happy with anything less than full cinematic-quality CGI.

So what did you think of “Wrath”?