I’m not dead

Sorry for the lack of recent updates.  At the beginning of the month, I came down with pneumonia while on vacation.  I’d always thought of pneumonia as a kindly disease that gently whisks the elderly off to the Pearly Gates.  But I’ve since discovered that, if you get it when you’re young, it’s a nasty, grudge-wielding monster that is determined to make you miserable since it realizes it probably won’t kill you.   Once I finally got to the doctor and got some antibiotics in me, it went away fairly quickly, but its after effects have lingered on.  Even now, I still break out in a nasty, phlegmy cough from time to time.

When I haven’t been coughing myself silly, I’ve been working on my ancient Egypt novel.  Being sick slowed me down considerably, but I’ve picked up momentum now and I’ve submitted the first two chapters to my writers’ group.  We’ll be discussing it tomorrow and I really look forward to hearing their comments.

I also have a backlog of completed short stories that need to be submitted for publication.  I was hoping to mail them out tomorrow, but, with the president coming to town, I don’t think I want to venture downtown.