Old posts

As some of you may know, my blog used to be located at jasonloch.net. Initially, the move to this site was supposed to be a total reboot, and I wasn’t going to import any of my old posts. But as the days passed, I began to question my decision. It just seemed wrong to junk six years’ worth of posts (I’m pretty sure the history police would have confiscated my history license for such a sacrilege!).

In the end, I decided to import my old posts. WordPress did a good job with the move, though there are some weird formatting issues. For example, a lot of my old posts included footnotes that I created using a special plugin, but that plugin doesn’t work with this site. As a result, the footnotes now appear as ugly bits of code in the body of the post. I could go back and re-insert them using HTML, but I don’t think the game would be worth the candle. So readers of the archives beware: there be formatting monsters.

New look!

Observant readers of my blog will have no doubt noticed that it has a new look. As much as I liked the Mad Meg theme, it didn’t really relate to the subject matter of this blog. Given that most of my work is set in ancient Egypt, it seemed odd to illustrate this site with excerpts from a 16th century Flemish painting!

After a surprisingly long search, I ended up going with a theme called Weaver II. The brown color scheme fit in nicely with the Egyptian atmosphere I was looking to create, and Weaver also allowed me to customize the header with a picture of my choice. I’m really pleased with the end result, and I hope you are too!