New look!

Observant readers of my blog will have no doubt noticed that it has a new look. As much as I liked the Mad Meg theme, it didn’t really relate to the subject matter of this blog. Given that most of my work is set in ancient Egypt, it seemed odd to illustrate this site with excerpts from a 16th century Flemish painting!

After a surprisingly long search, I ended up going with a theme called Weaver II. The brown color scheme fit in nicely with the Egyptian atmosphere I was looking to create, and Weaver also allowed me to customize the header with a picture of my choice. I’m really pleased with the end result, and I hope you are too!

A few brief words about comments

Comments are moderated. If you’ve never posted before, I’ll have to approve your comment before it appears on the blog. Once you’ve been approved, your subsequent comments will show up automatically.

Comments from spammers and trolls won’t see the light of day.

Warning: Busyness Zone Ahead

The next few weeks are going to be quite busy for me as I make the final revisions to Evil in Thebes and prepare to start the query process.  Consequently, this blog probably won’t be updated much in the meantime.  I’ll still keep up with Twitter though, so feel free to watch as my Twitter feed bears witness to my rapidly deteriorating mental state over the next few weeks!  Catch y’all on the flip side!