One of the best games ever gets a sequel

I love Planescape: Torment. Although the graphics are horribly dated (it was released in 1999, after all) and some of the mechanics are a bit cumbersome, the game’s writing is so phenomenal that it’s easy to overlook those things. It’s certainly worlds away from the banal, cliche-ridden dialogue of Diablo IIIPlanescape is the sort of game that lingers in your mind long after you’ve stopped playing. 

Sadly, Planescape didn’t sell well when it was initially released. But the intervening years have been kind to it, and it continues to appear on lists of the best games. Even now, it’s one of the bestselling titles on GOG, which isn’t too shabby for a game that was released back when we were still worrying about Y2K!

Thanks to its continued popularity, some of Planescape‘s creators have decided to produce a ‘spiritual cycle’ called Torment: Tides of NumeneraUnfortunately, it won’t be set in the Planescape universe since Planescape is part of the Dungeons & Dragons IP and Wizards of the Coast has mothballed that particular setting. But Torment will make use of a setting devised by D & D veteran Monte Cook, so I’m sure it will be just as awesome. Not only that, but Patrick Rothfuss (yes, the Patrick Rothfuss) will also be part of the design team.

Torment is still a long way from release (it’s currently slated to ship in December 2014), but I have a feeling it’ll be well worth the wait.