Agent blogs you should be reading

Like all writers, I love using the Internet to stave off the nasty business of writing for as long as possible. But while sites like Damn You Autocorrect, Parents Shouldn’t Text, or Failbook are certainly enjoyable, you soon feel guilty for putting off your writing.

Enter the agent blogs. The great thing about them is that they provide countless hours of guilt-free browsing. After all, you’re not procrastinating; you’re doing valuable research that will advance your career! Some of my favorites include:

Janet Reid, Literary Agent

Pub Rants

Nathan Bransford (NB: Nathan is no longer an agent, but his archives contain a lot of useful advice)

Miss Snark

Jennifer Jackson

BookEnds Literary Agency

Once you start reading these blogs, you’ll realize that agents are, in fact, human. Not only that, but they’re also nice, decent people who don’t particularly enjoy having to say ‘no.’ Once you realize this, I guarantee you that it becomes a lot easier to reach out and query them.

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